
Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Ask Teh Rev: Week 7 

Would you believe it! No one sent in any questions this week.

I refuse to believe that everyone is Educated in the Way of the Parsnip and requires no further guidance from Their Spiritual And Temporal Leader, Your Loving Parsnip.

No. I suspect most people are just too stubborn. They do not realise that they are even having a problem. But the Problem is there! It will grow, and may manifest itself in the form of a large dung beetle walking across your kitchen units at any moment. If you ignore it, it will not go away. It will merely grow larger until you cannot tell the difference between a parsnip and a turnip... thus turning you into a Heathen.

So, ask your questions! For I am here to help! And even if I can't help, then I will at least be able to scoff at your pitiful knowledge and ignorance of the Way of the Parsnip.

Hail The Parsnip!

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