
Saturday, June 12, 2004

What the Critics Say: 

"That shit blog is gonna come back and strip any credibility you think you
had...When you're older.

If the chance came for me to meet you in person, I would take great delight
in kicking your head in."

Violence is frowned upon under the Way of the Parsnip!

Unless, it's the Parsnip inflicting the violence. In that case, it is merely corrective action issued under the Loving Auspices of the Lord.

All Heathens are Punished! And the author of the above quote is certainly a Heathen! I'll bet he inserts turnips up his rectum on a regular basis, and consumes copious amounts of Turnip Towers from McDonalds! The turnips have addled his brain!

Do not fear Heathens such as this one, for they are weak and ineffective, desperately trying to play the Big Man and failing miserably.

Instead: Fear The Parsnip!

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