
Sunday, May 09, 2004


Often on Sunday mornings I like to open the large chest freezer and insert my head in there for some seconds, before getting stuck in completely. I'll then shut the door after me and wait. This kind of coldness is a test for me! It reminds me of all the sacrifices that Jesus made for us all... and I feel proud to emerge unscathed and even more alert than ever. I do believe that the coldness activates a special gland in my brain that gets me into Sermon Mood for the upcoming service today.

Only through constant mental torture and physical stress will we keep our minds and bodies pure for the Lord, and, of course, the eventual coming of the Way of the Parsnip. See the Bible, and see how much suffering God inflicts on everyone who does not do his bidding! You will be struck down if you do not comply! Bow down before me and realise that I am the Future!

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